Effective internal communication with videos: A comprehensive guide

Increase the efficiency of your internal communication with videos! Learn how innovative video strategies strengthen your corporate culture!
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Effective internal communication with videos: A comprehensive guide


In the modern business world, internal communication has become one of the most important components of a company's success. With constantly changing working conditions, the increasing distribution of the workforce, and technological advancements, companies are facing new challenges when it comes to reaching and engaging their employees. Video communication in the company has become a crucial tool for overcoming these challenges. In this guide, we'll explore the importance and benefits of video communication for internal corporate communications, present best practices, and show how video can positively impact corporate culture and strategy.

The role of internal communication in the company

From dissemination of information to corporate culture

The traditional role of internal communication was largely limited to distributing information about operational changes, announcements, and messages to employees. Today, however, internal communication has become a strategic tool that plays a decisive role in shaping corporate culture.

  • Promoting values and visions: Through targeted communication strategies, such as the use of videos, companies can communicate their values, visions and goals in a clear and emotionally appealing way. This creates a common identity and strengthens the connection between employees and the company.
  • Employee engagement: Internal communication aims to promote employee engagement. A high level of engagement results in higher productivity, lower turnover, and better overall company performance. Companies with engaged employees are 21% more profitable, according to Gallup.

Examples of successful communication

  • Microsoft: The company uses video communication to create a stronger connection between management and employees. Regular updates and personal messages from the CEO ensure transparency and trust.
  • Salesforce: By involving employees in video communication processes, Salesforce creates a culture of collaboration and co-creation.

Strategic direction and business objectives

Today, more than ever, internal communication is focused on supporting business strategy and contributing to the achievement of corporate goals. This means that the communications department works closely with other strategic departments to ensure that all employees are on the same page and clearly understand the company's goals.

  • Flexibility and adaptability: In a dynamic business environment, internal communication must be flexible and agile. This means that communication channels must be quickly adapted to new circumstances. Videos offer an excellent opportunity here, as they can convey information in real time.
  • Transparency and openness: Openness and transparency are central principles of modern internal communication. Through regular and honest communication about company developments, companies can strengthen the trust of their employees and promote a positive corporate culture.

3M Case Study

3M uses video communication to promote a culture of innovation. By specifically integrating video content into internal communication, 3M has created a platform on which employees can share and further develop creative ideas. This has not only strengthened the company's ability to innovate, but has also increased employee engagement.

Agility and adaptability

In today's world of work, which is characterized by rapid change, companies must be flexible and adaptable. Internal communication plays a key role in promoting this agility.

  • Real time updates: By using videos, companies can react quickly to changes and inform their employees about important developments in real time.
  • Adaptability of employees: Agility in communication also promotes the adaptability of employees. They are better able to adapt to new working conditions and business strategies.

Internal communication challenges

Distributed workplaces and global teams

With the increase in remote work and globally distributed teams, companies are faced with the challenge of ensuring coherent and consistent internal communication.

  • Cultural differences: Global teams often consist of people from different cultures, which can make communication difficult. Videos can help create a common basis and overcome cultural barriers.
  • Time differences: Collaboration across different time zones requires flexible communication solutions. On-demand videos enable employees to consume information whenever it's best for them.

Practical example: Airbnb

Airbnb makes intensive use of video content to communicate company culture and ensure that all employees, regardless of their location, share the same information and values. This has helped to create a strong sense of community and a consistent corporate culture.

Information overload

One of the biggest challenges in today's working world is the flood of information that flows into employees. This can lead to overload and inefficiency.

  • Targeted communication: Videos enable targeted and concise communication that makes it easier for employees to quickly capture the most important information.
  • Visual assistance: By visually presenting information, complex topics can be made easier to understand and keep employees engaged.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are central issues in the modern world of work. Inclusive internal communication is crucial to create an environment in which all employees feel welcomed and valued.

  • Representative content: Videos can be used to make diversity within the company visible and to promote inclusion.
  • Accessibility: Videos can be subtitled and translated to ensure that all employees can understand the information.

Security and privacy concerns

With the increased use of digital means of communication, security and privacy concerns have become an important issue.

  • Safety measures: Organizations must ensure that their video infrastructure is protected against cyber threats. This includes using encrypted channels for live broadcasts and protecting sensitive information.
  • Privacy Policy: Transparent data protection policies and obtaining employee consent are crucial to building trust and protecting privacy.

Example: Live broadcasts with encrypted channels

Many companies rely on encrypted live broadcasts to ensure the security of their internal communications. This strengthens employee confidence in the integrity of communication and protects sensitive company information.

Communication with management

Communication between management and employees is often a challenge, particularly in large companies.

  • Transparent leadership: Regular video updates from management can help to increase transparency and strengthen employee trust.
  • Interactive formats: Live video broadcasts and interactive Q&A sessions enable employees to communicate directly with management and ask questions.

example: salesforce

Salesforce uses video communication to create a direct connection between management and employees. This promotes transparency and enables employees to actively participate in the corporate strategy.

The importance of video content in internal communication

Emotional impact of videos

Videos have a unique ability to convey emotions and create a deeper connection between the sender and recipient. This emotional power can be used to strengthen internal communication and communicate the company's messages more effectively.

  • Authenticity: Videos make it possible to deliver messages in an authentic and personal way. This creates trust and strengthens the relationship between employees and company management.
  • Emotional attachment: Through visual and auditory presentation, videos can elicit a strong emotional response that reinforces employee loyalty to the company.

Example: Video messages from the CEO

Many companies use regular video messages from the CEO to share important updates, communicate strategic visions, and motivate employees. This direct approach helps to establish a personal connection and increase employee engagement.

Promoting corporate culture

Videos play a critical role in promoting and maintaining a positive corporate culture. They provide a platform to share the company's values and vision and ensure that all employees are on the same page.

  • Cultural values: Through videos, companies can communicate their cultural values in a lively and memorable way. This helps create a shared identity and sense of belonging.
  • Success stories: Videos can be used to share success stories and best practices that strengthen and inspire corporate culture.

Zappos Case Study

Zappos, known for its unique corporate culture, uses video to communicate company values and introduce new employees to the culture. This helps ensure that all employees share the same values and feel part of the Zappos family.

Knowledge transfer and training

Videos are an effective tool for knowledge transfer and training. They make it possible to present complex information in an understandable and appealing way.

  • E-learning and training: Organizations can use videos to create training materials that are accessible anytime, anywhere. This is particularly useful for global teams and remote workers.
  • Visual instructions: By visually presenting processes and instructions, employees can understand and learn more easily.

example: SAP

SAP uses videos for training and continuing education. The training videos are interactive and allow employees to learn at their own pace. This has significantly increased the effectiveness of training programs.

Virtual meetings and global teams

With the rise of remote work and global teams, virtual meetings have become an essential part of internal communication. Videos play a central role here.

  • Interactive meetings: Virtual meetings via video enable interactive communication and promote the exchange of ideas and information.
  • Global collaboration: Videos help to facilitate collaboration across time zones and locations by enabling personal and immediate communication.

Case study: GitLab

GitLab, a completely remote company, uses videos extensively for meetings and daily communication. This promotes collaboration and ensures that all employees, regardless of their location, are involved in the flow of communication.

Practical use of video content

Live video broadcasts

Live video broadcasts are an effective way to share real-time information and create a sense of connection. They provide a platform for direct and interactive communication.

  • Real time updates: Live broadcasts enable companies to share important information in real time and get immediate feedback from employees.
  • Interactive Q&A: By integrating Q&A sessions, employees can ask questions directly and actively participate in the communication process.

Example: Town Hall Meetings

Many companies use live video broadcasts for town hall meetings, where management provides updates and answers questions from employees. This promotes transparency and a feeling of being heard.

On demand videos

On-demand videos provide flexibility and access to information anytime, anywhere. This is particularly beneficial for global and hybrid teams.

  • Training and continuing education: On-demand videos are ideal for training and education as they enable employees to learn at their own pace.
  • Project updates: With on-demand videos, project teams can share regular updates and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page.

Case Study: Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson uses on-demand videos to share training and important company information. This has increased the efficiency of internal communication and helped employees to become more informed and engaged.

Interactive formats and live broadcasts

Interactive formats such as webinars, live workshops, and panel discussions promote the active involvement of employees and the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

  • webinars: Companies can use webinars to conduct training, present new products, or share strategic visions.
  • Live workshops: Live workshops enable intensive and interactive discussion of specific topics and promote collaboration.

example: IBM

IBM uses interactive webinars and live workshops to regularly educate and inform their employees. These formats promote knowledge sharing and collaboration across different departments.

Video analytics for optimization

Analyzing video usage and interaction provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of video communication and helps to continuously optimize strategies.

  • User behavior: By analyzing user behavior, companies can understand which content is particularly well received and where there is a need for improvement.
  • Engagement rates: Measuring engagement rates helps to evaluate the success of video content and adjust communication accordingly.

Case study: cisco

Cisco uses video analytics to monitor the usage and engagement of their video content. This enables them to continuously improve content and ensure that it meets the needs and expectations of their employees.

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Effects of video communication on business strategy

Alignment with corporate goals

The integration of videos into internal communication makes a significant contribution to achieving corporate goals. Videos can communicate complex strategies and visions in a clear and understandable way and ensure that all employees are on the same page.

  • Strategic communication: By using videos, companies can clearly communicate their strategic goals and align employees with these goals.
  • Continuous updates: Regular video updates help keep employees informed of progress and changes.

example: tesla

Tesla uses videos to regularly communicate company goals and progress. This creates clarity and commitment among employees and supports the achievement of strategic goals.

Fostering a culture of innovation

Videos foster a culture of innovation by facilitating the exchange of ideas and creative approaches.

  • Idea platforms: Companies can use videos to create idea platforms where employees can share and develop their suggestions.
  • Creative workshops: Video-based workshops promote creativity and the exchange of innovative solutions.

3M Case Study

As mentioned earlier, 3M uses video content to foster a culture of innovation and share creative ideas. This has significantly increased the company's ability to innovate and led to numerous new product developments.

Employee Retention and Involvement

By integrating video content into internal communication, companies can strengthen employee loyalty and involvement.

  • Personal contact: Videos provide a personal approach that increases employee engagement and retention.
  • Direct involvement: Interactive video formats enable employees to actively participate in communication and contribute their opinions and ideas.

Example: Salesforce

Salesforce uses video communication to actively involve employees in the communication process. This promotes employee loyalty and creates a culture of co-creation and collaboration.

Strengthening corporate identity

Video content can help strengthen corporate identity and ensure that all employees share the same values and goals.

  • Visual identity: Through videos, companies can communicate their visual identity and brand values in a clear and appealing way.
  • Cultural integration: Videos help to convey corporate culture and create a consistent identity.

Case Study: Airbnb

Airbnb makes intensive use of video content to convey corporate culture and strengthen corporate identity. This has helped create a strong and consistent culture that all employees share.

Improving leadership communication

Communication between management and employees is crucial for a company's success. Here, videos offer an effective way to improve communication and create a stronger connection.

  • Regular updates: Videos enable regular and transparent updates from management.
  • Interactive formats: Live Q&A sessions and other interactive formats promote direct exchange and trust.

Microsoft Case Study

Microsoft uses video to improve communication between managers and employees. Regular updates and interactive formats promote transparency and trust and support the achievement of corporate goals.

Future trends in internal communication

Data-driven personalized interactions

The future of internal communication will be heavily shaped by data-based and personalized interactions. By analyzing data, companies can better understand how their employees communicate and what content they prefer.

  • Personalized content: By using data analytics, companies can create personalized video content that is tailored to the individual needs and interests of employees.
  • Engagement tracking: Tracking engagement data helps to continuously improve the effectiveness of communication strategies.

Example: Netflix

Netflix uses data analytics to create personalized recommendations. Similarly, companies can use data to develop personalized video content for their employees.

Asynchronous and synchronous communication

In the modern world of work, both asynchronous and synchronous forms of communication are important. Videos offer a flexible solution that supports both forms.

  • Asynchronous communication: On-demand videos enable employees to consume content in their own time, which is particularly beneficial for global teams.
  • Synchronous communication: Live video broadcasts and interactive formats promote real-time communication and direct exchange.

Example: Slack

Slack offers both synchronous and asynchronous communication options. Companies can take similar approaches to make communication flexible and effective.

Diversity of communication channels

The future of internal communication will be shaped by a variety of communication channels that meet the different needs and preferences of employees.

  • Diverse formats: Companies should use a mix of video formats to reach and engage all employees.
  • Inclusive communication: By taking diversity and inclusion into account, companies can ensure that all employees feel included and valued.

Example: Google

Google uses a variety of communication channels to meet the diverse needs of their global workforce. This promotes inclusion and strengthens corporate culture.

Ethical Considerations and Data Protection

Data protection and transparency

Data protection is a central concern in modern internal communication. Companies must ensure that they respect the data protection of their employees and have transparent policies.

  • Transparent communication: Employees should be informed about the use of video technology and their consent should be obtained.
  • Privacy Policy: Clear privacy policies are essential to earn employee trust and protect their privacy.

Example: GDPR

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets high standards for data protection. Companies should ensure that their video communications meet these standards.

Consent and control

Employee consent is crucial when it comes to using video technology. Companies should ensure that employees remain in control of their personal data.

  • Voluntary consent: Employees should be able to give or deny consent to use video technology.
  • Data control: Employees should be in control of their personal information and how it is used at all times.

Practical example: Facebook

Facebook has improved its privacy policy and gives users more control over their data. Companies can take similar steps to increase employee trust.

Inclusion and diversity

Using video content ethically requires consideration of inclusion and diversity. Companies should ensure that their video communications represent and include all employees.

  • Representative content: Videos should reflect the diversity of the workforce and convey inclusive messages.
  • Accessibility: Video content should be barrier-free to provide access to all employees.

Example: Adobe

Adobe is committed to inclusion and diversity and ensures that their video content represents all employees and is accessible.


Video infrastructure security is critical to protect sensitive information and prevent cyber threats.

  • Encrypted transfers: Companies should ensure that their live video transmissions are encrypted to ensure security.
  • Safety protocols: Clear security protocols are required to prevent cyber attacks and protect communication integrity.

Example: zoom

Zoom has improved its security protocols and offers encrypted video transmissions to keep users safe. Companies can take similar steps to secure their video communications.

Best practices for using video in internal communications

Effective video formats and strategies

Choosing the right video format and an effective strategy is crucial to making video communication successful.

  • Regular updates: Regular video updates keep employees informed and engaged.
  • Interactive formats: Interactive formats such as Q&A sessions and workshops promote direct exchange and engagement.

Example: Webinar series

Companies can offer regular webinar series on various topics in order to continuously train and inform their employees.

Technology integration

The integration of modern technologies is crucial to make video communication effective and efficient.

  • Platforms and tools: Companies should choose suitable platforms and tools that enable seamless integration into their existing IT infrastructure.
  • Technical assistance: Technical assistance and training are necessary to ensure that all employees can use video technology effectively.

Example: Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams provides a comprehensive platform for video communication and collaboration. Companies can use similar tools to improve their internal communication.

Examples of successful implementations

Successful video communications deployments provide valuable insights and best practices that other companies can adopt.

  • Case studies: Case studies of successful implementations provide concrete examples and inspire new approaches.
  • Success factors: Analyzing success factors helps to improve your own strategies and maximize success.

Example: Cisco WebEx

Cisco WebEx provides a powerful platform for video communications and has supported numerous successful deployments in various companies. These examples can serve as a model for your own video communication.


The integration of videos into internal communication not only drives the rise to a strategic division of the company, but also enables an immersive experience that actively involves employees in the corporate culture. There are many benefits to using video content, including improving transparency, driving engagement, and supporting business strategy.

Recommendations for action

  • Regular video content: Companies should create and share video content regularly to keep employees informed and engaged.
  • Interactive formats: The integration of interactive formats promotes direct exchange and employee engagement.
  • Privacy and security: Companies must ensure that their video communications meet the highest privacy and security standards.
  • Continuous optimization: By analyzing data and user feedback, companies can continuously improve their video communication.

future prospects

The trends for 2024 and beyond show that video will become increasingly important as a leading form of communication. Companies should focus on innovative live broadcasts and interactive formats to connect directly with their employees and revolutionize internal communication.

Overall, it shows that using an Enterprise Video Platform as a strategic tool not only enables effective communication, but also creates a positive and engaged corporate culture that is up to the challenges of the present and the future.

By implementing these strategies and best practices, companies can take full advantage of video communication and take their internal communication to a new level.

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What's next? Here are your next steps...

Ready to dive deeper into the world of video communication? We've got three easy ways for you to expand your knowledge and skills:


Free expert appointment: Get one non-binding consultation with one of our video specialists. Get individual tips on how to scale your video output in a targeted and efficient manner.


Free trial: Start now with our free trial and create your first video in just 3 minutes.


Want more knowledge? Whether it's HR, marketing, internal communication or knowledge transfer — on our blog you will find comprehensive guides to all aspects of video communication.


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This post was written by

Sadyk Akhzarati
Growth Marketing Manager
Sadyk is a marketing expert with a strong focus on digital marketing. In addition to working on innovative campaigns and exciting content projects, he likes to spend his free time cooking, learning new languages and doing things together with his daughter.
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