Implement top 5 recruiting trends with video

Implement TOP recruiting trends with StoryBox and video content. Read now!
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Focus on diversity, brand messaging, and automation in recruiting

One thing has been observed in the skilled labor market in recent years: It is not necessarily job seekers who compete with each other, but companies that are looking for motivated and qualified talent. After all, skilled, ambitious, and, above all, loyal employees are few and far between. This doesn't necessarily make the recruiter's job any easier, as failing to hire specialists can have disastrous consequences for companies. It is therefore extremely important to look at the employee market and to adapt the recruiting strategy to prevailing trends. We show the TOP 5 Recruiting trends and explain how you do them together Create a video app for your company with the StoryBox can.

Trend #1 Diversity

Meet in a company many people and personalities on each other. They differ in culture, age, experience, education, and character traits — and it is precisely this diversity that often leads to success. Different professional backgrounds and skills bring together many and, above all, creative solutions. That is why it is important to focus on diversity in recruiting and at the same time to present existing diversity. Preferably through videos in job advertisements.

This is how you implement the trend for your company:

  • Show yourself in a multi-faceted way by incorporating different personalities, teams, and locations into your recruiting. How In meaningful and creative video content with the StoryBox video app for HR. Anyone who presents itself as an open company also attracts suitable candidates.
  • Present the “modern workplace” and the “dynamic team” instead of just saying it in your written ad.
  • Diversity also means presenting different working models. Every employee has different wishes for their work-life balance. Are there flexible working hours, home office arrangements, etc.? Great! Be sure to address them in your recruiting video.
  • In short: HR and related videos should always serve as cultural transmitters!


Trend #2 Internal Recruiting & Brand Ambassador

Recruiting does not necessarily mean finding new employees externally. Common are also Talents are already hidden in the company, which you need for an open position. That is why internal recruiting, i.e. the use or upskilling of employees who have already been employed, is becoming increasingly popular and also saves time and money.

In addition, there has been talk of a talent crisis in recent years, as a large number of workers are not afraid of a semi-regular job change. This is shown by the 2022 published Study by Xing, which proves that every fourth employee is ready to resign even without a new job. Companies are therefore in the Competition for employees, rather than applicants for open positions. That is precisely why employee retention is so important, for example through working as a brand ambassador. Die Presentation of a company by a brand ambassador not only strengthens the bond between employees and the company but also increases the attractiveness of a company to the outside world.

This is how you implement the trend for your company:

  • It's best to use your brand ambassadors in videos, whether for the website, social media, or at events. Wherever job advertisements can be found or you present yourself as a company, the story of the brand ambassador is important.
  • In the video, let the employee talk about their everyday life and discuss their benefits.
  • The brand ambassador manages to establish a connection with the target group through his charismatic appearance and his stories.
  • Avoid long wastes of text or rigid conversation templates in your videos. Let the ambassador speak freely, which ensures more transparency and solidarity.

Trend #3 Social Media

More and more companies are placing vacant positions on social media in addition to their website and job boards. Why? Because many talents on platforms such as Xing or LinkedIn move and follow interesting companies, as well as interact with them. A company's social media channel is therefore significantly involved in the success of the human resources department. Videos are the driving media on social media, as short, crisp video content is becoming increasingly popular. So why not use it for recruiting too?

This is how you implement the trend for your company:

  • Be active on social media. Report not only on recruiting-specific topics but ideally involve all departments — from product development to marketing to management. 
  • Shoot short videos for your channels about your vacancies and provide an insight into the team, everyday working life, location, benefits, and the city.
  • Also use social media for active sourcing, i.e. the more informal, casual contact with potential talents and thus draw their attention to you.

Trend #4 Automation

Working economically means Using resources wisely and operating profitably. Automation and, at the same time, saving time and costs therefore play a major role in recruiting. 

Die Preparation of job advertisements as well as the associated steps, from document review, and assessment center to invitation to an interview, can be automated. that speeds up the application process immensely. Creating and advertising vacancies may include the creation of recruiting content in the form of video.

This is how you implement the trend for your company:

  • With StoryBox, when shooting your recruiting videos, benefit from automatically inserted templates that structure the structure of your video.
  • Save time when recording by using the shooting tips stored in the StoryBox app.
  • Don't spend unnecessary time adjusting the light or sound — thanks to the StoryBox app, you can do it at the push of a button.
  • With StoryBox, editing, rendering, and uploading are intuitive and can be done from anywhere, even on a mobile device, as well as collaboratively as a team.

StoryBox white paper

“More talent with HR videos”

In our white paper, we have put together many helpful tips and measures to help you get on the winning side with video communication in the “War for Talents.”

Download white paper

Trend #5 Data Protection

The topic of data protection has now found its way everywhere, including in recruiting. Applicant and company data should always be protected during all activities. This includes in particular the Consent to specific uses of contentsuch as when using videos on social media. Active parties in video projects must give their permission to be seen and/or heard. StoryBox makes getting approval for video clips a lot easier!

This is how you implement the trend for your company:

  • Don't be afraid to use videos as a medium for privacy reasons.
  • Use the built-in filming permission in the StoryBox video app for your video clips.

Conclusion: Stay trendy with video

Due to the current shortage of skilled workers and the need for companies to promote themselves more, recruiting is essential. HR talent must follow certain trends to keep up with the competition and the right candidates for Targeten. These trends are not always easy to implement, but with StoryBox they are no longer a barrier to finding new employees. With StoryBox, you can create videos for different purposes in the future. Advertise your vacant positions on social media, including a video clip. Use video content to highlight yourself and your company on popular job platforms and show it more approachable and transparent.

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What's next? Here are your next steps...

Ready to dive deeper into the world of video communication? We've got three easy ways for you to expand your knowledge and skills:


Free expert appointment: Get one non-binding consultation with one of our video specialists. Get individual tips on how to scale your video output in a targeted and efficient manner.


Free trial: Start now with our free trial and create your first video in just 3 minutes.


Want more knowledge? Whether it's HR, marketing, internal communication or knowledge transfer — on our blog you will find comprehensive guides to all aspects of video communication.


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