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“Follow-Me-Around” videos in Employer Branding: A Window into the World of Employer Brands
To ensure greater transparency, attention, and corporate success both internally and externally, the concept of employer branding has been established. Companies are increasingly focusing on authentic insights, for example through videos.
The TOP 5 video formats for employer branding are:
- Question-answer formats
- Follow me around the videos
- Corporate Benefits
- Events
- Social Engagement
In this article, we want to show follow-me-around videos
A personal journey through everyday working life
In the constantly changing landscape of the modern labor market and among the prevailing employee market, companies are looking for innovative ways to Present as an attractive and unique employer. This is where “Follow-Me-Around” videos come in, which offer an engaging and authentic way of inviting potential employees into a company's world. These videos are not only a trend in the world of social media, but also a powerful tool in the employer branding arsenal.
- Follow-me-around can be filmed by employees who show their workplace and premises.
- Or else they concentrate on a “Day-in-a-Life” video To an employee who explains their daily work routine.
- A third way is the so-called Career video, which shows specific background information about a profession.
Follow-me-around or day-in-a-life videos are ideal to enable applicants to take a look behind the scenes of the potential next job interview even before the first interview has been conducted. They offer an honest and open perspective on everyday working life in a company, from small, everyday moments, spaces, and corporate benefits to major project successes. The focus is on the people who run the video.
Authenticity as a Key
In a world oversaturated with polished corporate messages and advertising campaigns, people long for authenticity. “Follow-Me-Around” videos in employer branding offer exactly that: An undistorted image of everyday corporate life, presented through the eyes of our employees. This human touch, which is often missing in traditional marketing materials, builds trust and enables potential applicants to create an emotional connection with the company. They are also better able to assess whether they would see themselves as employees in the company and feel comfortable. If successful, they awaken the “I want that too” effect With the Spectator!
Insights into corporate culture and job profile
“Follow-me-around” videos of any kind offer an excellent platform to show corporate culture in action. Whether it's about showcasing teamwork, innovative spirit, or social responsibility, these videos enable companies to communicate their values and beliefs naturally. For Applicants and Companies That Have a Lot of value on Cultural Suitability, these insights are crucial.
The focus should be on daily work tasks and the job profile. Insights into everyday working life add an unbeatable component to written job profiles in cluttered portals — reality! This ensures more recruiting success, as Candidates become more aware of the tasks And companies can control more specifically which candidates they approach.
Here is an authentic example video for a “day-in-a-life” video
Overcome the challenges
However, creating “Follow-Me-Around” videos in employer branding is not without challenges. It requires careful planning, choosing the right protagonists, and a good sense of storytelling to ensure that the videos are authentic, engaging, and representative of the company. In addition, companies must be prepared to implement a certain vulnerability toward providing insights into real everyday working life.
Conclusion: A window that opens both sides
“Follow-Me-Around” videos in employer branding are more than just a marketing strategy; they are a window that provides insights and connections in both directions. For companies, they offer the opportunity to authentically present their uniqueness and values. For potential applicants, they are a means to take a look behind the scenes and an informed decision about their next career toward Meet.
➡️ Do you want to watch the exclusive video examples for Follow Me Around? Then let us Link to the webinar!
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