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Question and answer video format
“Employer Branding” — a term that has developed from a buzzword in the corporate world to a key concept in corporate strategy. Why is employer branding a must-have? It is about creating awareness internally and externally for topics that characterize a company. This should be done primarily through authentic insights — by people for people — not through staged image films, as you know them from the past. The best way to implement this is through popular formats that are well-received by viewers.
The TOP 5 video formats for employer branding are:
- Question-answer formats
- Follow me around/Day in a life
- Corporate Benefits
- Events
- Social Engagement
In this article, we would like to introduce the question-answer format.
Guide question and answer video
Are you looking for a very specific answer to your question, for example as part of the application process, when selecting new partners or for further training? You suddenly stumble across a question-and-answer video, exactly about your topic - brilliant! So Could your applicants, customers, or people in your network be doing it every day?
This is what a question-and-answer video format looks like
Why is the question-answer format so useful? It's simple: It grabs the complexity of a topic and transforms it into a cozy but short chat, which is easy to digest. Whether as...
- Ask a single person
- Ask an entire group in the company
- Interview style questions
... the special thing about question-and-answer videos is that they establish a direct, personal connection. You see the person, hear their voice feel their enthusiasm, or sometimes their skepticism. It's like someone talking to you directly, just you and the speaker, in a world full of information. This format not only makes informing more effective, but also much more entertaining.
These videos are therefore incredibly versatile. Whether you want to explain complex scientific concepts, discuss the latest trends, or simply answer frequently asked questions about your company, process, or product, the question-answer format adapts. It Breaks the barrier between you and your audience and makes knowledge accessible and entertaining while still letting you shine as an expert in your field. In addition, question-answer formats often appear very playful because they are poorly staged.
Here is a Sample video for a question-and-answer interview
Question and answer videos? SEO says “Yes, please! ”
Search engines love content that users love. Question and answer videos are like a magnet for attention. They engage viewers increase the length of stay on your side and reduce the bounce rate. All of these factors are music to the ears of search engine algorithms, which means that your content ranks higher and is seen by more people.
Question and answer videos? Social media says “I want more! ”
Question-answer videos get to the point: The most important information about a question, the company, the open position, the product, etc., will be presented shortly. Thus, a question-and-answer video has The ideal length for social media channels, which are visited by the target group.
We have rolled out the whole topic for you from the beginning in a webinar. We not only talk about the format and present the benefits but also show you numerous successful video examples from our customers. You can also find one of the video examples earlier in the article.
➡️ Do you want to watch the exclusive video examples about the question-answer format? Then let us Link to the webinar!
➡️ I want more! Book a demo for exclusive templates for your next employer branding video including professional video project support with StoryBox
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