Recruiting in 2023: Three dos & don'ts

Winning over applicants: That's how it works (and doesn't work). Find out more here
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Say a lot instead of saying nothing

Fast 70% of employment According to the Federal Statistical Office, comes from generation X and Y. This Means that recruiters must be successful in scouting in the future and respond to the habits and characteristics of the generation

  • Job seekers primarily want to be contacted online via appropriate channels, while keeping an eye on the attention span. 
  • At the same time, recruiters must rely on personalized content and personal contact due to the flood of jobs, while marketing the company as a unique new workplace. 
  • Talent scouting today is less about recruiting with well-known companies or a higher salary — but much more about a balance of work and leisure and a good working environment.

These and many other factors are significantly involved in the success of an HR department that wants to fill its teams with the next generation. We present three dos and don'ts and show how the requirements and Challenges with the video medium and StoryBox were solved.

Do #1: Promote yourself

... don't just get courted. The tide has turned a long time ago. Not only are applicants fighting for the most sought-after jobs, but companies are also recruiting the most promising talent. That is why the motto is to constantly draw attention to yourself as a company and therefore everyone Using relevant channels for the target group in a meaningful way — be it job portals, social media posts, or direct messages. Through the appropriate presence, which should look authentic and set you apart as an employer, you contribute positively to the Candidate's decisiveness during his job search.

What is the best way to “advertise”? With video. Introduce yourself as an attractive company in a crisp recruiting film and in particular demonstrate diversity because that is one of the Recruiting trends for the coming year. Your content should also not just consist of phrases, but Spark curiosity with unique content. In addition, use the strongest force for your presentation — the voice of your employees. As brand ambassadors, they convey the message to their network with a great deal of significance and reach.

Do #2: Accept more applications

Even if handling several promising applicants will exhaust your resources — invest this time. Because applicants often have more than one open application and talented employees in particular are highly competitive. Instead, save your resources elsewhere in recruiting. For example, by using a Handled part of applicant management through videos. Send one-time, yet personal recordings to suitable candidates, use videos for HR postings, and inform applicants about further progress via video message. Overall, communication saves time, but in contrast to general mass emails for Generation X, Y, and Z, it is much more personal — and more promising. 

Do #3: Stay connected

Inspire your applicants From the very first contact with progress, transparency, and strong communication skills. With a video message, you can maintain a constant connection, keep candidates in a loop over the application process, and also Strengthen the sense of belonging beyond employment. And thus benefits from greater corporate loyalty in the long term. So use videos not only to attract new employees but also to use the reach of employees and win them over through employer branding.

Don't #1: Always be safe with the standard

“Modern workplace, dynamic team, flexible working hours.” These may all be important factors for job seekers, but unfortunately, they have Standard phrases that have little meaning in job advertisements. Instead, pack the information into a video and transparently show the modern workplace instead of just mentioning it. This also applies to other phrases. Why is the team so dynamic and diverse? Shoot unique, exciting video sequences about your vacancies, your employees, and the culture, and attract suitable candidates with the same mentality.

Don't #2: Not knowing the target group

As mentioned at the beginning, 70% of working people are part of the recent generations. Means: Even the Job search looks accordingly off. It takes place primarily on mobile devices and requires new methods of communication and reference to certain criteria. Therefore, find out where your target group is online and what is important to them. Certain jobs are better off on platforms, while others are better off on social media. What questions or wishes does the target group have? Reply to them in your ad. But above all: Set yourself apart from other competitors and do it in a short and meaningful way! This is because the young generation only has a short attention span on channels such as Linkedin or Xing and receives a lot of content.

The best way to do all this is with video messages. Turn a sequence into an open position with the appropriate team, this creates a certain connection. Draw attention to special bonuses or other attractive features of your office. Be creative and show why an applicant should choose you.

Don't #3: Make the application process too long and impersonal

Today's job search is fast-paced. It takes place on the go, often only requires a CV and the Application process is often completely remote settled. This is entirely in the interest of the new generation, which is on the rise. Therefore, you should only make your application process as long as necessary.

Instead of sending impersonal mass emails, Prefer to use individualized video messages for the TOP candidates, for example, to keep them in the loop as they progress. Nothing is more likable than a nice short message via video. This ensures that you stay in the heads of applicants, provide authentic insights into your company, and save resources at the same time.

Video recordings for jobs: our top do for recruiters

You're already using videos, but want to know how to perfect them for your recruiting? With StoryBox, you have a tool at hand that is suitable for intuitive and fast video production care. Thanks to individualized templates for different teams, everyone can Even laymen, record short video messages for jobs or communication with applicants and produce professional recruiting films.

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What's next? Here are your next steps...

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Want more knowledge? Whether it's HR, marketing, internal communication or knowledge transfer — on our blog you will find comprehensive guides to all aspects of video communication.


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