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There are many ways to achieve your goal of recruiting The best talent for your company. Many companies and personnel service providers not only acquire new employees with job advertisements on their homepage and job advertisements on job portals, such as Indeed and Stepstone but also go with them Active Sourcing into the Direct contact. Recruiters are trying to identify talent and inspire them to change jobs, especially on social and business networks such as LinkedIn and Xing.
StoryBox is the key to making recruiting compelling and personal. Address candidates with video messages and establish personal contact throughout the recruiting process. An essential tool for hybrid workplaces.
The right direct approach is just the start of a successful candidate journey
Many recruiters write to potential candidates via email, LinkedIn, and Xing with a text message. Since this route is often done by recipients who neither read nor answered, more and more talent is simply being bombarded with news. And then we wait - wait for an answer from the people contacted. Achieving a high score response rate with creative texts is an exception.
This is where the medium of video comes into play for the Candidate's Journey to start even more successfully. With HR videos and recruiting videos, you can achieve more than just one higher response rate, which has risen to up to 40% for StoryBox customers, but you are also staying in memory of the person being contacted, because information that is absorbed through visual and auditory senses, recipients understand up to 75% more easily and better than with text messages. The following figures also clearly show that video is the perfect medium for direct communication:
- 92% of Smartphone users share video*
- It is 1.5x more likely for people to pick up their cell phones to watch a video*
- Social media posts with videos will be 13x shared more often than posts with text and pictures*
- 1 minute of video content is equivalent to a text message from 1.8 million words*
- Annual video consumption is increasing annually by 100%*
You can find out how to reach more applicants for your vacancies with video content in our blog article” Increase application rate with video job postings“Read up.
* Source reference: 28 Videos Stats, invista.com
Retain candidates and avoid ghosting with video messages
What recruiters don't know: Promising and interested candidates are suddenly Unreachable. This is often because candidates, from their point of view, have not heard or read anything about the recruiter for too long or simply want to know what their “market value” is.
ghosting describes canceling a contract. In active sourcing and recruiting, this means that a candidate or applicant is no longer responding and can no longer be reached.
Through the use of video messages during the entire recruiting process You have the option to prevent this. Through continuous contact with applicants, you can asynchronous video communication talents and candidates are always kept up to date with the latest information on the status of the application, and appreciative feedback — independent of time and place.
These messages affect the candidate transparently, authentically, and above all compulsory.

You can implement the following content in Your video to Strengthen ties with candidates:
- Invitation to an interview
- Preparing for an interview
- Feedback after the interview
- Information about the status of the application
- Messages from the department
Onboarding starts before the first day of work
It sometimes happens that, in connection with signing contracts, some applicants have uncertainty and doubts. After all, a change of employer is a big step for everyone involved.
Through continuous video communication Can you signal to candidates that your company is just the right thing for them? With targeted video messages, e.g. from new colleagues, the new manager, or even the management team, the candidates are looking forward to the new job, and are already building relationships with the new colleagues.
Ideally, you are and will remain close to your new colleagues. With Video messages For example, you can also provide additional information about the employment contract, describe the process of the first working day, present the workplace, or introduce your new colleagues.
Recruiters are the first and best brand ambassadors
Job seekers are increasingly saying that Videos created by employees are more credible than videos produced by companies. So it's no wonder that HR videos aren't just becoming more and more popular.

For your Recruiting success these content-tips help you create videos:
- Let your employer brand and corporate values shine — and from those who convey them best: Your colleagues and yourself
- Use video to show the joy of your work and the pride of being part of your company — directly and authentically
- Use video messages to convey corporate values and tell short stories about your company, for example by presenting benefits, social projects, or employee campaigns
- Present the employer transparently and approachable, for example by filming small office tours or presenting the company premises together with other colleagues
StoryBox white paper
“More talent with HR videos”
In our white paper, we have put together many helpful tips and measures to help you win with video communication in the “War for Talents.”
>> Request a white paper and receive it by email
Asynchronous video communication offers you countless solutions for current challenges throughout the recruiting process, e.g. to increase the response rate in active sourcing, optimize the candidate journey, and receive more qualified applications. Candidates are addressed with video messages — regardless of time and place. This more personal and emotional contact also enriches and promotes candidate retention throughout the recruiting process.
With StoryBox, you can do just those videos yourself and without previous knowledge create and share them.
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