The video boost in Recruiting & Active Sourcing

From the initial contact to after hiring: Video captivates you right from the start and brings you the best talent in a more efficient recruiting process
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A step ahead
throughout Recruiting process

more applications for job ads with video content
higher response rate in active sourcing with video
higher reminder rate of video content compared to text
Successful recruiting

In the flooded applicant market, you must take a proactive role and connect with the job seeker when recruiting. Use videos for more company insights and show off your uniqueness.


With copy-paste texts, you won't impress candidates when you contact them. With video, yes. Memorable videos in messages or emails create an emotional connection and have a 95% higher reminder rate.

Job insights

No one reads job advertisements with empty phrases. Therefore, present yourself differently from everyone else and use video content in the job descriptions. Get up to 35% more applications with video.


Anyone who cannot identify with you will not apply. Therefore, be as transparent as possible. Show authenticity through videos and provide insights into the company, people and culture.
Effective active sourcing

The first contact with talent must be completed. And at the same time, it offers the first chance to stand out. With the power of video, you'll captivate potential applicants right from the start.

Unforgettable contacts

With copy-paste texts, you won't impress candidates when you contact them. With video, yes. Memorable videos in messages or emails create an emotional connection and have a 95% higher reminder rate.

Personalized follow-ups

0815 messages are lost in every mailbox. Not personalized, charming video messages. Your follow-ups with a video message get up to 53% more responses.
Create authentic videos in minutes
Let's talk! We'll show you our video platform, possible use cases and examples.
You are welcome to test StoryBox afterwards.
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